What is the recommended maintenance for the Berkey Light® water filter?

The Berkey Light®, like all other Berkey® water purification systems, requires little maintenance.

It is essentially a matter of cleaning from time to time: we suggest washing the lower chamber once a month with soapy water (washing-up liquid). In areas with hard water, lime deposits can build up on various parts of the system after prolonged use. To remove it, soak the affected part(s) in vinegar or a 50-50% vinegar/water mixture for about 15 minutes. Finish by cleaning with soapy dishwater, then rinse.

After prolonged use, it is possible that the flow rate of your system may decrease. To correct this, simply scrub the outside of each  Black Berkey® purification element with a stiff brush or ScotchBrite® pad and reboot the elements.

We also recommend keeping the Berkey Light® out of direct sunlight.