The different filtration methods

Equip yourself with an efficient, economical and durable water filter

Choosing your Berkey® store water filter

For what purpose?

Many people choose a water filter to improve the taste of their tap water. After all, neither the smell nor the taste of chlorine is pleasant. But most of the time, the smell of chlorine is only the tip of the iceberg... Much more discreet, pollution with heavy metals, drug residues, pesticides, microplastics and other molecules is nevertheless very real. Wastewater treatment plants are unable to deal with it and official analyses are often very imprecise on this pollution.

Others are looking for an autonomous filter capable of filtering water from boreholes, wells, rain and rivers in order to have an autonomous supply of drinking water.

Still others want nomadic use in order to filter the water they have access to wherever they are when they are on the move.

Another important motivation for purchasing a water filter is to stop buying plastic bottles, which are expensive, polluting and whose water is not free of pollutants either.

And everyone wants a practical, efficient, sustainable and economical system.

Among the main choices available

The filter carafe: equipped with an activated carbon filter, it can remove chlorine taste, limescale and lead, but most jugs have no real effect on chemical pollutants. Other shortcomings include the frequency with which the filter must be changed (every 4 to 6 weeks if its filtering power is to be maintained), the cost involved, but above all, the fact that the filters can potentially re-diffuse certain contaminants into the filtered water. Finally, they can be veritable nests of microbes when used incorrectly, which is the case most of the time. See this page for a detailed analysis of water filter jugs.

Filters on tap: these filters work on the same principle as carafes with the same disadvantages concerning the need to change the cartridges regularly, the resulting cost and above all the risk of releasing pollutants into the filtered water. They are very limited in their effectiveness and require mains pressure to operate: if there is no water at the tap, there is no filtration.

Osmosis or reverse osmosis systems: Often consisting of several filters in series, water undergoes a process called reverse osmosis which removes certain pollutants but unfortunately also all minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Yet these are essential to our balance and drinking osmosis water carries a real risk of deficiency. But its main concern is the filtration system. In fact, to function, the equivalent of 3 to 7 litres of water must be projected at high pressure to produce just one litre. This is a real waste of water. The cost is still very high if you take into account the purchase price of the device, the cost of renewing the filters and the water rejected. Visit this page for a detailed analysis of this type of filter.

The "water machines": many manufacturers offer "packaged" systems in the form of a box connected electrically and to the water supply, which, through various processes (osmosis, UV, etc.) transform tap water into filtered water. Changing cartridges makes these systems expensive and dependent on the water supply and power supply.

Gravity filters: autonomous by definition, simple to use, environmentally friendly, they allow water to be filtered without the need for energy or water pressure, using gravity to "push" the water through the filters. You fill it up, let it filter and you have access to pure and healthy water, whatever the nature of the water and in all situations. But not all these systems are equal. The design of the filters used means that some gravity filters perform better than others and cost less to operate. See this page for a comparison with Berkefeld systems.

Can we prove it to you?

Powerful: capable of removing a very large number of pollutants, it is the most efficient filter we know of. From chemical molecules to heavy metals, viruses or bacteria, you can consult  the page of analyses carried out by an independent laboratory on hundreds of pollutants to see the extent of its outstanding performance.

More evidence? Water Filters Lab, an independent American organization, compared the most popular gravity filtration systems on the market, and the results are clear. Berkey® filters are by far the best performing. You can find the results of these tests on this page and on this one.

This performance allows it to be more than a simple water filter, but a real WATER PURIFIER, capable of making water from various sources, such as a borehole, a well, rainwater recovery, etc.

Sustainable and economical: A pair of Black Berkey® filters is designed to filter up to 22,700 litres of water! This means that they have a lifespan of between 3 and 10 years depending on the model used and the volume of water filtered daily. That's less than 1 cent per litre filtered, far less than all other systems, including filter carafes. The investment is higher initially, but in the end it is much cheaper and pays for itself very quickly.

Modular and adaptable to all situations: For use on the move, for example when hiking with the filtering bottle Sport Berkey®, when camping or touring with the Go Berkey® or Travel Berkey®, for the home with the Big Berkey®, Royal Berkey®, Impérial Berkey® or Crown Berkey®, you will always find the right model. Berkey® even gets into your shower, to provide you with clean and soft water with the shower filters.

If you wish to personalise your system, you can equip it with a stainless steel tap, a Berkey Sight Glass™ spigot, an stainless Berkey® base to simplify its use, additional filters to speed up filtration, specific filters, to treat fluorine, arsenic, etc.

From 5.6 to 22.7 litres, it adapts to all situations. From a single couple to a large family, from a company to an NGO, for filtering tap water or water from a non-drinking source, at home or on the road, in a normal situation or in an emergency, you won't find a more efficient, autonomous and versatile water filtration system! Check out our buying guide to help you narrow down your needs.

Easy to use: filling the upper tank, filtration (45 minutes on average for an 8.5 litre tank) and you are ready to enjoy pure, healthy filtered water! Principle of use and further information on this page.

Why buy your Berkey® filter at Berkey® Store?

Because we have been certified BERKEY® dealers for several years, our adventure having started in France (about us), we charge the lowest prices authorised by the manufacturer, we offer delivery throughout Europe, we carry out all after-sales service ourselves, we can be contacted 7/24 and we offer numerous means of payment (bank card, bank transfer, Paypal, Paypal in 4 instalments free of charge depending on the country...). So many good reasons to trust Berkey® Store.

Would you like more information or help in choosing the right model? Contact us, we will be happy to help you make your choice.

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