Can I put my Berkey® Sport Bottle in the refrigerator?

Yes, it is possible to put your Sport Berkey® water bottle in the refrigerator, but under no circumstances should you let it freeze. The expansion of the water in the filter could enlarge the pores and compromise its integrity, rendering it inoperable and voiding the warranty.

GO BERKEY® | No. 1 hiking water purifier GO BERKEY® | No. 1 hiking water purifier
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Water filter Go Berkey® 0.95L

Filtering bottle Sport Berkey® - Pure water wherever you are! Berkey®Store Sport Berkey® 0.65L
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Filtering bottle Sport Berkey® 0.65L

Berkey®Store Sport Berkey® filter Berkey®Store Sport Berkey® filter
IN STOCK - delivered 48/72h*

Replacement filter for Berkey® Sport Bottle


FAQs From Same Category

What is the composition of the plastics that make up the Sport Berkey® filtering bottle (bottle, cap and straw)?

All plastics in the Sport Berkey® filter bottle are food grade, Bisphenol A (BPA) free.

- The bottle is made of low density polyethylene

- The cap is made of high density polyethylene

- The straw is made of polypropylene.

Why shouldn't I let the filter of the Berkey® Sport Bottle freeze?

To refresh the water in your bottle, you may want to put your Sport Berkey® filtering bottle in the freezer for about 20 minutes. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!

We formally advise you against letting the filtration elements freeze. We also advise against storing the elements (even unused ones) in very cold climates. Indeed, very cold or frozen water may expand inside the filter and consequently increase the size of the pores, which would make the filtration inoperative. Whether the elements are unused or used and completely dried, a small amount of moisture may still remain inside the filter, especially in predominantly humid climates. This moisture could expand inside the element and render it unusable.

This recommendation applies to ALL of our Berkey® filter elements. Freezing your element and rendering it unusable will void your warranty coverage.

What is the maximum temperature that the Berkey® Sport Bottle can be subjected to?

In certain situations, your Sport Berkey® filter bottle can be subjected to high temperatures. This is the case, for example, if it is left in the trunk of your car in the sun...

You should therefore remember that your filtering bottle should not be subjected to temperatures above 46°.

How do I clean my Berkey® Sport Bottle?

Your Berkey® Sport Bottle Filter has a 50-year shelf life! When not in use for an extended period of time, remove the filter and fill the unit with bleach at a rate of one-quarter teaspoon per 2 liters of water, or a 50/50 mixture of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Rinse. Allow the parts to dry completely with the cap removed. Reassemble the assembly and store if possible in an airtight bag. Do not allow the filter to freeze, do not place it in the microwave, and do not run hot water through it.