Can you filter chromium from water with Black Berkey® water filters?

Yes! Black Berkey® filtration elements have been tested to remove over 99.8% of chromium 6, because this form is the most dangerous to humans.

This is because chromium exists in different forms, some toxic, some not.

In summary, chromium comes from two distinct sources: trivalent (chromium 3+) and hexavalent (chromium 6+).

Trivalent chromium (C3) is a mineral that is beneficial to humans in trace amounts and is present in foods.

Hexavalent chromium (C6), on the other hand, is a toxic form that comes from industrial pollution: use in metal coatings (such as stainless steel), in pigments and dyes, in wood preservatives and in tanning processes.

Not all filters are created equal, and the removal of heavy metals does not necessarily mean that chromium 6 is removed. The Black Berkey® filter, on the other hand, is effective against this source of pollution as demonstrated by these test results.