Black Berkey® Primer™ Priming Pump Information

Black Berkey Primer™ is a hand pump that makes it easy to prime Black Berkey® filter elements without the need for faucet pressure or when there is not enough room under the faucet to easily prime filters.

Priming Black Berkey® purification elements is a must in order to flush out air and saturate the filters with water before use.

The Primer™ pump also allows the Black Berkey® purification elements to be purged with air in order to clean the pores in the filter wall if necessary, but also to dry the filters in the event of long-term storage (see information on the storage of Black Berkey® filters on this subject).

The Primer pump therefore allows:

1- Remove debris that may accumulate in the filter pores during use,
2- Reduce the time and effort required to dry the filters before storing them,
3- Facilitate priming of the elements when water pressure is not accessible or when there is little space under the faucet, for example with a small sink.

The Black Berkey Primer™ pump is specifically designed for use with Black Berkey® purification elements.

Find instructions for using the Black Berkey Primer™ pump. To supplement this information, you can watch a video on how to use the Black Berkey Primer™.